How to Wash Groceries During This Lockdown
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, many things have changed. And so has changed dealing with groceries and vegetables. Do you know how to wash groceries once they get delivered to your home?
Let’s understand why we need to disinfect and wash our groceries before we use them.
Why disinfecting groceries is necessary?
Coronavirus can stay on surfaces for a long time:
Cardboard, clothes and paper – 24 hours
Plastic and Metal surfaces – 72 hours
It means you can easily get infected to Coronavirus if you don’t disinfect your bought groceries.
What should be done?
Fruits & Vegetables
You should wash fruits and vegetables in running water for at least 20s. You can also soak the vegetables and fruits in Salt water or lemon water for few minutes. Before using them for cooking, you must boil the vegetables.
Tin & Plastics
You should wash the plastic and tin products with soap and water. It will help remove the infections, if any.
Cardboard packages
As you cannot wash them with water or soap & water, you need to spray the disinfectant over the package, you can also wipe them with a cloth putting sanitizer over the cloth.
After performing this washing routine, you need to wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds.
Also, if you have come from outside, after washing your hands, you need to take a proper bath. You also need to wash your clothes with proper detergents.
As the virus stays for long on surfaces, you need to be extra cautious. As we all know “Precaution is better than cure!”
It’s better to stay safe and healthy at home!
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor for more information. Healthy Pinch does not claim responsibility for this information.
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