7 Herbs That Will Heal Your Body
Herbs are basically the leaf part of a plant. They are generally aromatic and have a lot of medicinal properties in it. But, most people are unaware of the best herbs that can actually heal your body. Let’s unravel more about it.
Parsley is a spicy and peppery herb. It has a number of antioxidants which makes it the best herb to prevent cancer. It also aids digestion and improves bone health.
Chewing raw parsley leaves can provide a fresh breath. It is also very effective in preventing Diabetes, the silent killer.
It has large amounts of Vitamin A, C and K present in it.
Chives have an onion-like flavor. Mostly used raw in garnishing several food items.
They are anti-bacterial and contain vitamins such as A, C & K, along with folate, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
It is also used as a bug repellent.
It’s a fragrant herb, used in Mediterranean dishes. Also, comes useful in making perfumes.
If you are stressed, drinking Rosemary Tea can help. Even smelling rosemary helps to reduce your anxiety levels. It also helps to reduce muscle pains and boost our memory.
The promoter of hair growth and helps in boosting your immunity.
Mint is a very popular herb, used in both fresh and dried forms. Helps in soothing an upset stomach and a variety of gastrointestinal issues such as IBS, indigestion, and many more.
Best for asthmatic patients as it has anti-allergen properties in it. Beneficial in cold, and cough also.
Also works wonders if you are having a headache.
A Mediterranean herb having lots of medicinal properties in it.
Good for arthritis patients and prevents cancer. Keeps you away from skin disorders. Helps in getting relief from a sore throat. Contains Vitamins like A & C.
An instant mood booster and prevents acne.
Basil contains vitamins, minerals, and a lot of antioxidants. Full of medicinal properties, it helps in getting relief from cold and cough.
Promotes liver health and lowers down the blood pressure. Also, helps in boosting mental health. Will reduce your anxiety levels, and increase the thinking ability.
It is an immunity booster herb.