Coronavirus: How To Deal With Quarantine Depression
COVID 19 has created havoc everywhere. This global pandemic has taken lakhs of lives. Because of which people are in quarantine depression.
It’s a very difficult situation to deal with, but nothing is impossible in this world!
More than corona, people are suffering from Mental Illness! Sounds scary! Isn’t it? But then, let’s deep dive and understand the causes of quarantine depression, and also how to cope up with the same.
Causes of Depression
- Fear of Death

“Fear of Death” is there in many people. Because they think that if they get contracted to this virus then they will eventually die. But, that’s not the case! As many infected people have recovered, and the recovery rate is increasing. Also, the current mortality rate ranges between 1.4%-3% depending on various age groups.
- Declining Economy

Lockdowns have severely hit the economies of the whole world. Day-by-day, the economy is just going down-and-down. Especially for those countries, where the corona cases are very huge in number.
Top businessmen can still survive but people who earn their bread on a daily basis are struggling hard. And that’s the reason for quarantine depression.
- Fear of losing jobs

Many companies are not able to bear costs during these tough times. And they are laying-off their employees.
So, in this situation, every job holder is in quarantine depression because no one wants to lose their job.
Sad to say but many have already lost jobs and many are on the verge of it! So, seeing the current situation, and getting anxious for the same is pretty obvious.
- Excessive Exposure to Media

Corona is ruling the world, thus, the media is over-flooded mostly with the negative news 24/7. People are just getting anxious. And there is so much fake news which is floating in Media and just creating chaos in all of our lives.
So, one should not only practice social distancing but also Media Distancing to avoid quarantine depression.
- Overthinking can take a toll on your health

As people are staying at home, most people are having nothing productive to do. And as such people are thinking a lot. People are getting mentally sick because of this.
High Blood Pressure, anxiety attacks, panic attacks are getting very common these days within people. But, one can stop thinking and can choose to take action to solve their issues. The goal is to stay strong until the storm lasts.
How to cope up with Quarantine Depression
- Yoga & Meditation
Yoga and Meditation are supposed to be the best when it comes to calming your mind and body.
Every morning after waking up, one should practice yoga for at least 15-20 minutes. Basic yoga poses can include Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom, Surya Namaskar, Child Pose, and Shavasana at the end.
Even Meditation is a must for at least 15 minutes. It boosts your concentration level and aligns your mind in a positive direction.
You can also listen to calming music such as Flute Meditation, Sleep Meditation, etc from YouTube.
- Indulge yourself in Hobbies

What can be the best time to indulge in your favorite pastimes other than this! You are at home and are free to do anything.
It can be anything like reading a book, playing board games, singing, painting, dancing, etc.
So, just activate your left brain and keep your creativity level going. Because, when you perform your favorite activities, you start feeling happy about yourself.
- Learn a New Skill

Take this beautiful opportunity by learning a new skill which will help you in your future. It can be in relation to your profession, well-being, or self-help.
You need to keep your brain active in this situation. It will help you a lot in avoiding the negative thoughts which might come to you when you are sitting idle.
- Pen down your worries

Writing works like therapy. So, if you are very stressed out, grab a diary and start writing your thoughts.
Diary is your best friend, it listens to you 24/7. You can tell your diary each and everything about your situation. When you pen down your thoughts, your mind gets relaxed and it starts healing. Because you feel that someone is there to listen to you! It is a kind of psychology that works brilliantly!
- Socialize via Social Media Channels

As per the current situations going on, we all need to follow Social Distancing. But, one can still socialize with their friends and families via Social Media Channels.
One can do a video call, use Facebook, Instagram, etc to know about each other’s well-being. As that will bring you near to your dear ones even in this lockdown phase.
- Be active
People are not able to hit gyms and fitness clubs. But, in spite of that, people can stay active by performing physical exercises at home only.
There are various online platforms and apps available where one can join training sessions, dance workouts, and all.
Healthy Mind stays in a Healthy Body so you need to be physically fit first. One should practice physical workouts for 30-60 minutes daily. It helps in burning those extra calories and keeps your sugar levels neutral.
Exercising daily keeps you fit, increases your immunity, and keeps diabetes away.
- Have proper meals

Proper nutrition is very essential. Because if you start to skip meals or eat unhealthy food, you can easily downgrade your health. You can be a deficit of essential vitamins and minerals.
So, have timely meals, have a colorful plate full of veggies, acidic fruits, grains, nuts, etc. in order to boost your immunity.
Avoid sugary foods, processed foods, packaged foods because that affects your health in a bad way.
You need not worry about Coronavirus, it’s just a bad phase and it will pass. Nothing in this world is permanent. We will again live the same way. Till then you need to be strong, happy, and healthy! Good times are coming soon!
Video Link on How to Cope up With Quarantine Depression: