6 Valuable Tips for Weight Loss That Actually Work
Every now and then, you would have heard so many weight loss tips. Many a time people advising you are not having any expertise also. But, when it comes to weight loss, we hear and try to apply all those tips to our bodies, which can be harmful at times. So, here you will get to know some valuable tips for weight loss that will actually work and are from a Nutritionist Expert.
Tips for Weight Loss
1) Drink Lots of Water

Whenever you wake up in the morning, the first and foremost thing you should do is have 1-2 glasses of warm water. Drink it sip-by-sip. Our whole body is comprised of 70% water, and when we sleep, our body gets deprived of water. So, the best thing is to hydrate ourselves with water when we wake up in the morning. It helps to replenish the energy levels and the body feels very light. Also, you should consume at least 3-4 liters of water in a day. Water also helps to remove toxins from the body, and so it helps in your weight loss journey.
2) Don’t Skip your Breakfast
Never ever skip your morning meal. Because not only your body is deprived of water, but food too. So, you need to give proper fuel to your body by providing it with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Your breakfast should be heavy enough to keep you full for a longer time. Researchers even say that the people who skip their breakfast tend to binge more in the later part of the day. Also, skipping breakfast can hinder your weight loss journey. As it affects your metabolism by making it slow and thus making your weight loss journey a bit difficult. And not only breakfast, try not to skip any of your meals.
3) Opt for Healthier Snacks
Whenever you feel hungry during the day, or have some craving, try to consume healthier snack options. You can have nuts, seeds, dry fruits, fruits, raw veggies, salads, roasted chana, roasted makhanas, puffed rice, etc. All these food options are very satiating in nature. So, whenever you eat them, you will be full soon with a lesser number of calories consumed. And your cravings will be gone! And so this actually makes it a pro-tip for weight loss.
4) Protein-Rich Foods are a Must for Weight-Loss

You need to have protein-rich foods in your every meal of the day. Protein-rich foods actually boost your metabolism & your immunity levels and decrease your hunger level. They are very satiating in nature which helps a lot in your weight loss. Eating protein sources helps to cut down your cravings too! Some of the protein sources that you can include in your meal are fish, eggs, chicken, paneer, curd, beans, legumes, soybeans, tofu, cheese, etc.
Pro Tip for Weight Loss: Try to eat your protein first whenever you are having your meals.
5) Workout is a Must
Even if you take out 15-20 mins of time for your workout in a day, it helps to lose weight faster. It’s never like you need to do some specific workouts only. According to your body type and fitness levels, you can choose any type of workout that suits you. It can be weight training, cardio, dance, your favorite sport, yoga, swimming, etc. The motto is to do something which burns out calories, so do whatever you like, but it is necessary to move your body and burn out those extra calories. You also need to walk 30-40 minutes a day. Walking also helps a lot in your weight loss journey, though it is very underrated.
6) Sleep Patterns
Sleep is always overlooked when it comes to weight loss. But, sleep plays a very important role. You need to have 6-8 hours of sleep each day, without any distractions. Good and sound sleep is very much important for a healthy body! It is so because whenever your body sleeps or rests, the body starts to heal itself. If you sleep less, ghrelin hormone which is a hunger hormone increases. And so you tend to eat more than required by the body. So more the calories you ingest in your body, your weight loss journey will be difficult. Other than that, always try to finish your dinner before 2-3 hours of sleep so that you don’t disturb the natural healing process of your body. Late dinners will keep your body busy in digestion only, and then the healing process will take place very late.
Apart from these tips, your mindset also matters a lot. If you believe in yourself, you can do wonders!
You don’t need to go for fad diets or any type of crash diets. Rather, just follow healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, and you will be able to see the changes in your body. Mindful eating is the key to weight loss.