The Ultimate Guide to Health Benefits of Cabbage

The Ultimate Guide to Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable has plenty of health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory and is rich in glucosinolates. Being a leafy vegetable, it can be eaten raw as well as in cooked form.

Cabbage can be used in soups, tossed in salads, in stir-fried veggies, veg fried rice, or simply just steam it and have it.

The best thing about cabbage is that it is available year-round and is very cheap. Even the shelf-life of cabbage is more as compared to other veggies.

Nutrition Value Of Cabbage

nutrition value of cabbage

100g of Cabbage contains only 23 calories in it. Zero cholesterol which makes it the best food for people suffering from high cholesterol.

Is Cabbage good for you?

Definitely yes!

Let me list down the health benefits of cabbage:

Low-calorie Vegetable

Cabbage is a Low-calorie Vegetable

Cabbage is a very low-calorie veggie. It helps in maintaining your weight. It provides bulk to your diet and keeps you full and satisfied for longer periods. And as such you don’t crave junk foods in between.

Relieves Constipation

Cabbage Diet Relieves Constipation

Consuming 20g of cabbage a day helps in smooth bowel movements due to the presence of fibers in it. It also keeps your gut healthy.

Enhances Immunity

Eating Cabbage Enhances Immunity

Vitamin C present in cabbage helps in boosting the immunity levels. Keeps you safe from coughs and colds.

Rich in Antioxidants

Cabbage nutrition - Rich in Antioxidants

High amounts of flavonoids and anthocyanins are found in cabbage which helps in the removal of harmful substances. 

Also, antioxidants help in curbing the formation of free radicals. As such it keeps you away from Cancer.

Works Wonder for Diabetes

Cabbage Diet Works Wonder for Diabetes

Cabbage has a very low Glycemic Index (GI) with a rank of 10. GI indicates how quickly the carbohydrates present in a portion of food can spike the sugar levels in your body. Thus, you can avoid Diabetes if you consume Cabbage.

Good for Women’s Health

Health benefits of cabbage - Good for Women's Health

It helps in maintaining the estrogen (female sex hormone). Thus, it is considered very healthy for women’s reproductive and sexual health.

Rich in Vitamin K

nutrition value of cabbage
:Rich in Vitamin K

Cabbage is good for bone metabolism. Vitamin K present in cabbage helps in preventing loss of bone density. Also, it keeps you safe from Osteoporosis. Plays an important role in blood clotting.


Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium, Iron & Fiber makes cabbage a perfect food to include in your daily diets.  

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