Beard Grooming: How to Get a Smooth & Shinier Beard
The bearded face is always rated higher on masculinity, and even one of the research suggests that men with beards are found to be more social. Not only this, but even women find bearded men more attractive than clean-shaven guys. Beard Grooming is very important for the men who have or want to have a good and healthy beard.
And just there, the struggle of men starts. Because even men want to look good and present an awesome version of themselves to others. Thus, the concept of beard grooming comes into the picture.
Well! It’s not at all easy to have a shiny, smooth, and well-maintained beard. Beard Grooming takes a lot of effort. And this article will help you with the ways in which you can groom your beard and can look handsome and be confident about it.
3 Easy, Simple & Natural Ways for Beard Grooming
Coconut, Curry Leaves & Castor Oil

Take Coconut Oil and heat it, add curry leaves into it. After that, let it cool for some time. And then add a few drops of castor oil into it. And your mixture is ready.
Now, apply this oil on your beard, maybe before your bath or you can even apply this at night and sleep. This helps to make your beard look very smooth.
Curry leaves have a large number of antioxidants in it which helps to remove the dead follicles of hair. Also, curry leaves & castor oil promote hair or beard growth. And, coconut oil helps in providing the moisture, eliminating the dryness.
Butter for Beard Grooming

Butter (made out of Cow’s milk) is one great option to make your beard look smooth and shiny. It helps to make the beard very soft. As most men have very thick hair growth, applying butter helps to moisten it up and makes the beard very smooth.
It also helps in settling the beard.
Amla Oil for Beard Grooming

Amla Oil, also known as Gooseberry Oil helps to maintain the follicle health. Excellent in removing the dryness and flakiness from the beard. Also, it keeps the beard well-hydrated.
You can purchase Amla Oil directly or you can make it easily at home also. Take Amla powder and mix it with Coconut oil, and apply this mixture on your beard. Massage your beard with this oil for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this 4 times a week to get the best results.
These 3 natural ways can help your beard look shiny, soft & smooth. However, grooming your beard also includes some basic things like washing it off daily, applying organic shampoos, trimming your beard regularly to maintain that perfect shape. And obviously massaging and taking care of your beard with these oils that are mentioned above in the article.
Always take care of one thing that you do not feed your beard with chemicals or cosmetics because they will do nothing good to your beard. Yes, they look fancy! Even, such products are very well marketed and so the people run behind them. But, frankly speaking, applying natural products is always the best option you should consider.
Beard Grooming is very essential and the thing which is more essential is grooming it with the right products. So, whenever you think of grooming your beard, always consider Coconut Oil, Amla Oil, Castor Oil, Curry Leaves & Butter. Along with this, always maintain a healthy lifestyle, have a balanced diet, and stay fit.